per fer-vos part d'aquesta nova aventura al Japó i les experiències que em vagi trobant pel camí...
Inari o el santuari de les portes - Inari or the shrine of the gates
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Voltant pel Japó
Testicles per sopar? - Testicles for dinner?
Ja sabeu que al Japó es menja molt i molt bé....ara això també vol dir que de vegades cal estar obert a probar coses com a mínim peculiars...l'altra dia vaig estar en un Yakitori (restaurants de pinxos de pollastre...normalment) amb una carta per experimentar tan en sabors com en barreres culturals...una delícia pel paladar :-)
You all know that in Japan one can eat very very well now...bthis means that sometimes you have to be open to try things at least particular...some days ago I went to a Yakitori (restaurants of chicken skewers...usually) with a menu to experiment with new tastes as much as cultural barriers...delicious :-)
You all know that in Japan one can eat very very well now...bthis means that sometimes you have to be open to try things at least particular...some days ago I went to a Yakitori (restaurants of chicken skewers...usually) with a menu to experiment with new tastes as much as cultural barriers...delicious :-)
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The Japan Photo Project
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El llibre / the book |
Today it's my pleasure to introduce you "the Japan Photo Project", the work of two photographers, Toru (Japanese) and Tina (Catalan), who spent their 2010 travelling with a van around Japan to capture the most authentic images of this country...well actually it's been several years they are doing this but 2010 was their big project and it finally ended up with a publication of a book which is simply great. By chance just after landing in Japan I heard about it and since then I've been following them, till last week that I could meet them personally as they came to Japan to make an exhibition and launch the book. The exhibition is in a little gallery in Shinjuku so if you live around Tokyo don't miss it...otherwise they will be in Barcelona as well in few weeks.
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Nakajin capsule hotel
Fa uns dies us parlava del primer hotel càpsula construit al Japó, el famós hotel anomenat Nakajin que va esdevenir un exemple del moviment arquitectònic "metabolism" dels 60...doncs bé per saber-ne més aquí va un petit reportatge de com es va construir amb entrevista als creadors. Molt recomenable!!
Some days ago I posted about the first capsule hotel in Japan, the famous Nakajin tower, which became one of the best examples of the architectural wave "metabolism" from the to know a bit more about it below a short report of how was it constructed and the opinions of its creators. Worth to have a look!
Some days ago I posted about the first capsule hotel in Japan, the famous Nakajin tower, which became one of the best examples of the architectural wave "metabolism" from the to know a bit more about it below a short report of how was it constructed and the opinions of its creators. Worth to have a look!
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Kisho Kurokawa
the Japanese anti-facebook!
Avui va de xarxes socials...sabíeu que al Japó el totpoderós Facebook té un índex de penetració baixíssim?...sobretot tenint en compte que és un dels països tecnològicament més avançats i on pràcticament tothom té un mòbil amb connexió a Internet. Doncs sí, he estat mirant i diuen que els usuaris al 2011 justegen els 3M, o sigui menys del 3% de la població...comparat amb altres països com EUA (48%), UK (45%) o Singapore (50%) doncs hi ha una bona diferència eh?? i bé la pregunta llavors és, què passa que els Japonesos no els hi agraden les xarxes socials? de cap manera, els hi encanten però com no podia ser d'altra forma sembla que hi ha vida més enllà de FB i aquí tenen les seves pròpies plataformes de xarxes socials, entre elles la més famosa és "Mixi" (Mixi Inc.) amb més de 25M usuaris i una gran popularitat. Diuen que FB no és un èxit perquè és massa directe en la communicació per la cultura japonesa, i és que tot i ser una xarxa social, Mixi seria l'antitesi de FB, realment "fet a la japonesa", per fer-te un compte necessites una invitació d'un usuari i mòbil japonès o sigui que pràcticament es limita l'accés a la població resident al Japó només! Tots els continguts són en japo, la gent normalment utilitza sobrenoms, queda registrat qui visita el teu perfil, limits de seguretat importants....interessant eh! doncs això, seguint la tònica general un altre tret diferèncial d'aquesta societat, jo de moment encara no tinc compte però potser m'ho hauria de replantejar ;-)
today's post is about social networking....did you know that in Japan the all-powerful Facebook has one of the lowest penetration index?...especially considering that is one of the most advanced societies in technology and almost everyone has a cellphone with internet access. I've been looking and it is said that in 2011 the users are around 3M, which means less than 3% of the population...compared to other countries such USA (48%), UK (45%) or Singapore (50%) it makes a huge difference doesn't it? Then the question is, Japanese doesn't like SNS? not at all, they love them but as it couldn't any other way, it seems there is life beyond FB and here they have their own platforms of social networking, among them the most famous is "Mixi" (Mixi Inc.) with more than 25M users and big popularity. It is said that FB doesn't have much success because is too direct in its communication for the Japanese, and certainly although being a social network, Mixi is the anthitesis of FB, really "made for Japanese", do get an account you need first an invitation and a Japanese cell phone, meaning that practically they limit their users to people living in Japan! All contents are in Japanese, people usually uses nicknames, profile's visitors are registered, and there are many security interesting isn't it? another example of the differences in this society, for the time being I still don't have an account, basically for the Japanese, but maybe I should start to reconsider it ;-)
today's post is about social networking....did you know that in Japan the all-powerful Facebook has one of the lowest penetration index?...especially considering that is one of the most advanced societies in technology and almost everyone has a cellphone with internet access. I've been looking and it is said that in 2011 the users are around 3M, which means less than 3% of the population...compared to other countries such USA (48%), UK (45%) or Singapore (50%) it makes a huge difference doesn't it? Then the question is, Japanese doesn't like SNS? not at all, they love them but as it couldn't any other way, it seems there is life beyond FB and here they have their own platforms of social networking, among them the most famous is "Mixi" (Mixi Inc.) with more than 25M users and big popularity. It is said that FB doesn't have much success because is too direct in its communication for the Japanese, and certainly although being a social network, Mixi is the anthitesis of FB, really "made for Japanese", do get an account you need first an invitation and a Japanese cell phone, meaning that practically they limit their users to people living in Japan! All contents are in Japanese, people usually uses nicknames, profile's visitors are registered, and there are many security interesting isn't it? another example of the differences in this society, for the time being I still don't have an account, basically for the Japanese, but maybe I should start to reconsider it ;-)
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Per dinar Soba - Soba for lunch!!
Ahir per dinar menú "Soba"! Els soba són un tipus de fideus (que non els únics...), molt coneguts aquí fets a base de blat sarraí (també anomenat fajol), que encara que ho sembli no és de la família del blat...en fi aquí la foto...
Yesterday I got "Soba" for lunch! Soba is a type of noodles (among many others...) very popular in Japan, made from buckwheat, a traditional grain that actually doesn't belong to the same family as wheat...anyway here the menu...
Un cosa particular del menú d'ahir va ser que al menú hi havia "nama wasabi", o sigui una peça de wasabi fresc que podies ratllar a gust tal qual fós parmesà. Us asseguro que el gust no té res a veure amb el wasabi que ja et porten ratllat, boníssim!!
A special thing from yesterday's Soba was that I ordered "nama wasabi", meaning that I got a raw fresh piece of wasabi, that you could grate as if it was parmesan cheese! I tell you nothing to do with other wasabi, such a great taste!
I evidentment com que saben que ningú s'acabarà el "pedazo" tros de wasabi....a la taula hi ha unes bossetes especialment per tal que hi puguis embolicar el wasabi i endur-te'l a casa...que grans són els japonesos!
And obviously as they know that anyone will finish such a big piece of the table there are small bags specially designed to take the wasabi left-overs home....Japanese you are great!
Yesterday I got "Soba" for lunch! Soba is a type of noodles (among many others...) very popular in Japan, made from buckwheat, a traditional grain that actually doesn't belong to the same family as wheat...anyway here the menu...
Una de les grans coses dels soba és que permet moltes varietats diferents, a grans trets tenim els soba calents o soba freds. El d'ahir va ser un menú de soba calent, on s'afegeix el caldo a sobre dels ingredients acabant en una forma de sopa de fideus
A great thing of Soba is the variety of dishes you make, generally you can split them between hot or cold soba. Yesterday I got hot soba, with a hot broth that you add on top of the ingredients to end up with a kind of noodle soup.
A special thing from yesterday's Soba was that I ordered "nama wasabi", meaning that I got a raw fresh piece of wasabi, that you could grate as if it was parmesan cheese! I tell you nothing to do with other wasabi, such a great taste!
I evidentment com que saben que ningú s'acabarà el "pedazo" tros de wasabi....a la taula hi ha unes bossetes especialment per tal que hi puguis embolicar el wasabi i endur-te'l a casa...que grans són els japonesos!
And obviously as they know that anyone will finish such a big piece of the table there are small bags specially designed to take the wasabi left-overs home....Japanese you are great!
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Recomenació per a tots aquells que viviu o passareu per Tokyo properament...aneu a visitar la nova exposició del Museu d'art Mori, és molt i molt interessant. L'exposició anomenada "Metabolism" fa referència al moviment arquitectònic del mateix nom creat per un grup de joves arquitectes i dissenyadors Japonesos a principis dels 60s.
Recommendation for those living in Tokyo or plan to come soon...go to visit the new exhibition at Mori Art Museum, is really really interesting. The exhibition, called ¨Metabolism¨refers to the architectural movement of the same name created by a group of young Japanese architects and designers beginning of the 60s.
La veritat és que els projectes que es presenten en l'exposició et deixen bocabadat, és al.lucinant pensar que ja als anys 60 hi va haver gent que proposava conceptes tan innovadors i trencadors, semblava ben bé estar en alguna la peli futurista de ciencia-ficció. Evidentment la majoria dels projectes que van presentar mai van arribar a veure la llum...massa avançats al seu temps! Alguns però sí que es van realitzar com el famós estadi olímpic de Tokyo creat pels jocs olímpics del...64!!!!
To tell you the truth the project in exhibition are amazing, no words to describe it, just to think that there was people suggesting these kind of innovative concepts on the 60s is crazy, and one really felt as being in a futuristic movie of science-fiction. Obviously most of these projects never came to light...too advanced to his time! Some individual did it, like the famous Olympic stadium of Tokyo, built for the Olympic games of...1964!!
Recommendation for those living in Tokyo or plan to come soon...go to visit the new exhibition at Mori Art Museum, is really really interesting. The exhibition, called ¨Metabolism¨refers to the architectural movement of the same name created by a group of young Japanese architects and designers beginning of the 60s.
El grup liderat pel famós arquitecte Kenzo Tange (creador entre altres de l'estadi olímpic de Tokyo, les torres de l'oficina metropolitana a Shinjuku o el memorial de la pau a Hiroshima), estava format per altres personatges brillants com Kisho Kurokawa o Kiyonori Kikutake els quals van conceptualitzar una nova visió de l'urbanisme amb conceptes ultra-moderns i clarament avantguardistes al seu temps. Influenciats per una societat japonesa on s'havia produit un creixement urbà molt ràpid i accelerat les seves propostes eren projectes urbans estructurats i perfectament ordenats però també flexibles i ampliables com si tinguéssin vida pròpia.
The movement lead by the famous architect Kenzo Tange (creator among others of Tokyo olympic stadium, Metropolitan office towers in Shinjuku or the Peace memorial in Hiroshima), had other brilliant names such Kisho Kurokawa or Kiyonori Kikutake, who started to conceptualize a new vision of urbanism with ultra-modern and avant-garde concepts ahead of their time. Influenced by a Japanese society that had a huge and rapid urban growth, their proposals were structured urban projects, perfectly organized but flexible and expandable as well, as if they had own life. The concept was also characterized to use all elements of earth, land, air or water.
La veritat és que els projectes que es presenten en l'exposició et deixen bocabadat, és al.lucinant pensar que ja als anys 60 hi va haver gent que proposava conceptes tan innovadors i trencadors, semblava ben bé estar en alguna la peli futurista de ciencia-ficció. Evidentment la majoria dels projectes que van presentar mai van arribar a veure la llum...massa avançats al seu temps! Alguns però sí que es van realitzar com el famós estadi olímpic de Tokyo creat pels jocs olímpics del...64!!!!
To tell you the truth the project in exhibition are amazing, no words to describe it, just to think that there was people suggesting these kind of innovative concepts on the 60s is crazy, and one really felt as being in a futuristic movie of science-fiction. Obviously most of these projects never came to light...too advanced to his time! Some individual did it, like the famous Olympic stadium of Tokyo, built for the Olympic games of...1964!!
Tokyo Olympic stadium (1964) |
Ara segurament si hi ha un projecte que marca el moviment, és l'edifici Nakajin a Tokyo, el primer hotel càpsula que es va crear (recordeu que en parlava fa uns dies d'aquests tipus d'hotels?). Creat per K.Kurokawa l'edifici està literalmet composat per càpsules independents amb l'idea de fóssin extraibles i intercanviables seguint la visió del moviment. La llàstima és que a dia d'avui l'edifici fa pena i s'està debatent entre tirar-lo a terra o no...situat al mig de Tokyo, en una zona d'alt valor immobiliari em sembla que ja sé com acabarà la història...una gran pèrdua.
However if there is a building that really exemplifies the movement, this is the Nakajin capsule tower in Tokyo, the very first capsule hotel ever built (do you remember I wrote about this concept some days ago?). Created by K.Kurokawa the building is composed of real capsules, independents one of each other with the idea that they could be mobiles and exchangeable, following the vision of this movement. The sad side is that nowadays the building is in a complete poor condition and the debate is whether they should knock it down or not...located at central Tokyo, in an area of high real-estate value I think I already know how the story will end up...a great lost.
Nakajin capsule tower (1972) |
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Kenzo Tange,
Kisho Kurokawa,
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