
Tijes de lotus per dinar - Lotus tubers for lunch!

PhotobucketHola! com ja sabeu un dels temes que m'apassiona al Japó és el menjar :-) la gastronomia japonesa amb tota la seva varietat i contrastos és espectacular i si normalment us parlo de les experiències als restaurants, anar al supermercat no es queda curt...sempre et trobes amb noves sorpreses i productes desconeguts...sense anar més lluny aquesta setmana em vaig trobar tijes de Lotus envasades! sí sí, sona estranyíssim però ben real, la flor de Lotus és molt habitual per aquí ara ni idea que la tija es comercialitzava també...evidentment la curiositat em va fer comprar-ne i tot i que no tenia ni idea de com cuinar-lo avui finalment m'hi he llençat. Anomenat Hasuimo (はすいも), es tracta d'unes tijes molt puroses que gairebé no pesen res, tenen un gust molt lleuger i fresc....molt agradable de veritat, o sigui que m'he dit que per una amanida fresqueta podria anar bé i bé el resultat a sota ... prou bo     ;-)

Hi!! as you know one subject I love from Japan is food :-) Japanese cuisine with its variety and contrasts is amazing and if I usually write about my experiences in restaurants, going to supermarkets doesn't fall short...you always find new surprising and unknown products ...as an example today's post, I went to the supermarket this week and just popping in i found packed Lotus tubers!! yes sounds weird but there it was...Lotus flower is very common in Japan but I had no clue they also market the tubers!! Of course my curiosity made me buying them and although I had no idea how to cook them today I gave it a try. Called Hasuimo (はすいも), it's kind of light tuber with sponge texture, so its taste is very smooth and fresh...quite good frankly, so I thought that would combine well with a kind of fresh salad and well the result below...not bad ;)


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