Avui més videos...us presento una de les coses que criden més l`atenció quan s`arriba al Japó, el Pachinko, unes sales amb llums cridaners i un soroll espantós farçides amb el que semblarien unes màquines recreatives però que en realitat es tracta de la versió japonesa de les màquines escurabutxaques, un joc tan o més lucatriu del que nosaltres coneixem com a tal...i amb tot què és el Pachinko? doncs la veritat costa una mica d'entendre...d'entrada les sales estan plenes de gent de tota mena seguint hiptonitzats unes boles que cauen dins d'una màquina, el rol de l'usuari és posar les boles i esperar que aquestes caiguin en una casella bonus on es pot optar a un premi, i si et toca aquí arriba el més bo perquè al no estar acceptat el joc amb apostes al Japó, el premi són coses més aviat banals i simples...o sigui que dius i a on està la gràcia? doncs bé aquí l`astucia japonesa, el que fan és un cop amb el premi s'ha d'anar a fora en un altre local que normalment es troba al voltant a bescanviar el que has guanyat per una suma monetària i axí feta la llei, feta la trampa. Per cert, no sé si cert o no però diuen que la gran majoria d'aquests locals estarien controlats per la mafia japonesa...
more videos...today I introduce you one of the things that likely you will notice when being in Japan, the Pachinko, parlors bright, colorful and incredibly noisy that at first glance seems to be for video-games machines but actually are the Japanese version of the traditional slot machines, and what's Pachinko?...well as a game there isn't much to say...the users receives small metallic balls that just need to put in the machine, but it is a very popular game followed by many people that just sit down in front the machines and look like hipnotized following the balls falling down, and if they are lucky and the balls fall in one of the bonus places they have the opportunity to win a gift...but nothing really special because gambling is prohibited in Japan and the prices are very simple so one can wonder...and where's the interest? Well here it comes the best thing...as they are not allowed to give money back as a gift in this business, with the price you receive then you go outside where usually in a corner a bit hidden there is another place where you can exchange what you earned by money, so like if they would by what you won for some cash! JapaBtw not sure whether is true or not but it is said that most of these businesses are controlled by the japanese mafia...
per fer-vos part d'aquesta nova aventura al Japó i les experiències que em vagi trobant pel camí...
Okonomiyaki II
Fa un temps ja us vaig parlar dels Okonomiyaki però és que és tan bo que avui us en dono més detalls...potser és pel fet que no seria un plat japonès gaire conegut però jo us el recomano de totes totes si veniu per aquí. El nom prové de dues paraules, okonomi que vindria ser "el que vulguis" i yaki que vindria a ser "a la graella" , o sigui que es tracta d'una espècia de massa cuita en una graella i amb ingredients variables. Les graelles les anomenen teppan i normalment es troben en cada taula on cadascú es cuina el seu propi plat. Això sí, a jutgar per l'experiència cal una mica de traça fer fer-ne un de sencer i sinó pregunteu-li a l'amic Joanix...
Some time ago I already introduced the Okonomiyaki,,,but it's so good that after my last experience I've decided to give you more details, perhaps because it's not very well known but if you ever come to Japan I highly recommend it. The name comes from two words, okonomi which means something like "all what you want" and yaki which means "grilled"....so it's a kind of pancake cooked in a grill with many different ingredients. The grill is called teppan and usually you have one in each table where each one would cook his own dish, and although it's not difficult, for my own experience it requires a bit of skills to cook a good one...
Cuinant l'okonomiyaki
Some time ago I already introduced the Okonomiyaki,,,but it's so good that after my last experience I've decided to give you more details, perhaps because it's not very well known but if you ever come to Japan I highly recommend it. The name comes from two words, okonomi which means something like "all what you want" and yaki which means "grilled"....so it's a kind of pancake cooked in a grill with many different ingredients. The grill is called teppan and usually you have one in each table where each one would cook his own dish, and although it's not difficult, for my own experience it requires a bit of skills to cook a good one...
Cuinant l'okonomiyaki
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Takaosan o el Mont Takao, és una de les excursions més conegudes des de Tokyo, una petita muntanya d'uns 600metres situada a l'àrea metropolitana de la ciutat i que en un dia clar permet unes visites molt xules a la ciutat i l'entorn amb el Fuji de fons. Encara no hi havia anat perquè segons sembla a l'estiu o en dies festius hi ha tal quantitat de gent que ni a les Rambles, de fet hi ha un funicular que et deixa a mig camí pels mandrosos i facilitar l'ascens. És considerada una muntanya sagrada ja que hi ha un petit temple al capdamunt i junt amb els colors de la tardor el resultat va ser prou atractiu, a més com que va fer molt bon dia, vàrem poder gaudir d'unes vistes collonudes! Això sí tot i ser "temporada baixa" pujant pel camí recomenat estava ple de gent, a la baixada però vem baixar per un altre camí (igual de bo però no tan recomenat) i allà només ens vem trobar 3 persones en tot el recorregut!! com són els japonesos!! Aaah, per cert, a la baixada també ens vem trobar un equip de rescat a l'altura del temple, es veu que algú es va fer mal o li va venir algo i es van presentar 5 unitats de salvament, impressionant el desplegament!
Takaosan or Mount Takao, is one of the most well known outings from Tokyo, a small mountain of about 600m still within metropolitan Tokyo offering a beautiful view on clear days of Tokyo and Fujisan. I haven't visited it yet since I was told that during summer and bank holidays is overcrowded of people, actually there is a lift leading half up the mountain making easier to reach the peak. It is considered a sacred mountain since there is a little temple halfway, which together with autumn foliage made the scenario very attractive, and on top we had a lovely day with great views! However even being "low season" it was very crowded, especially when we went up through the recommended trail (then when we went down we took another trail and only found 3 people on the way!) Btw, the way back we found a rescue team at the temple, apparently someone got injured or something bad and 5 units showed up, impressive action!
Takaosan or Mount Takao, is one of the most well known outings from Tokyo, a small mountain of about 600m still within metropolitan Tokyo offering a beautiful view on clear days of Tokyo and Fujisan. I haven't visited it yet since I was told that during summer and bank holidays is overcrowded of people, actually there is a lift leading half up the mountain making easier to reach the peak. It is considered a sacred mountain since there is a little temple halfway, which together with autumn foliage made the scenario very attractive, and on top we had a lovely day with great views! However even being "low season" it was very crowded, especially when we went up through the recommended trail (then when we went down we took another trail and only found 3 people on the way!) Btw, the way back we found a rescue team at the temple, apparently someone got injured or something bad and 5 units showed up, impressive action!
Fuji san |
Continuen les visites - The visits keep on
Aquestes darreres setmanes he estat menys actiu i és que he estat bastant ocupat...gratament ocupat doncs les visites continuen i acabaré l'any a gairebé una visita per mes...gens malament, a veure si l'any vinent seguim amb el ritme...bé potser no que sinó acabaré destrossat :-) Així doncs per Tòquio ha passat la Marie-Hélène des de Singapur i en Joanix des de Lausanne (prèvia escala a Beijing). Han estat setmanes de continua descoberta de la ciutat, l'entorn, la cultura i com no la gastronomia japonesa, tan per ells com per un servidor, això sense oblidar la vida nocturna toquioita de la qual em començo a familiaritzar. Va doncs, intentaré posar-vos al dia de les coses més interessants que hem fet darrerament.
These last weeks I've been less active since I've been quite busy...gratefully busy because I've got more people visiting me, and with them it makes almost one visit per month...not bad! let's see if next year we can keep the same pace...well better not, otherwise I´ll be destroyed :-) So, I got Marie-Hélène from Singapore and Joan Isaac from Lausanne (previous stop to Beijing). Weeks of continous discovery of the city, surroundings, Japanese culture and of course the cuisine too, for them and for me, and all this without forgetting Tokyo's nightlife from which I begin to be familiar. So, in the next posts I'll try to summarize the main things we did together.
These last weeks I've been less active since I've been quite busy...gratefully busy because I've got more people visiting me, and with them it makes almost one visit per month...not bad! let's see if next year we can keep the same pace...well better not, otherwise I´ll be destroyed :-) So, I got Marie-Hélène from Singapore and Joan Isaac from Lausanne (previous stop to Beijing). Weeks of continous discovery of the city, surroundings, Japanese culture and of course the cuisine too, for them and for me, and all this without forgetting Tokyo's nightlife from which I begin to be familiar. So, in the next posts I'll try to summarize the main things we did together.
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Ja tinc carnet de conduir! - GOt the driving license!!
Des d'avui ja hi ha un nou perill a les carreteres japoneses!! I això que he hagut de suar la cansalada...m'he passat gairebé tot el matí per poder sortir amb el carnet, això sí i amb un somriure els llavis, no saben pas que han fet aquests japonesos...jajaja. Vaja que l'experiència d'avui ha estat una altra molt bon exemple d'integració en aquesta societat, molta paciència, paperassa administrativa per tot arreu i i estones d'espera innacabables, i tot per canviar-me el carnet suís per un de japonès !! En fi que aquí la cosa més petita es converteix en algo ben complexe, ara com a experiència val prou la pena...de vegades em deixen estorat, tan avançats que són en tecnologia i després et trobes amb situacions tan rudimentàries com el d'avui, m'han fet una prova de la vista que semblava de la "risa" amb l'aparell que tenien!!
From today there is a new danger in the Japanese roads!! And it hasn't been easy ...I spent almost my morning to finally be able to get out with the valuable license and a good smile...they have no idea what they have done with it...hahaha. Today's experience has been a new good example of integration to the japanese culture, lots of patience, administrative stuff and endless waiting times, and all that just to exchange the swiss license by a Japanese one! Anyway as usual, the smallest thing here becomes the most complex one but as experience is worth to try...sometimes I still feel surprised with them, so technologically advanced and then it happen to have experience like his morning in a very old place with equipment that looked were made before I was born...you should have seen the sight test I've did.
From today there is a new danger in the Japanese roads!! And it hasn't been easy ...I spent almost my morning to finally be able to get out with the valuable license and a good smile...they have no idea what they have done with it...hahaha. Today's experience has been a new good example of integration to the japanese culture, lots of patience, administrative stuff and endless waiting times, and all that just to exchange the swiss license by a Japanese one! Anyway as usual, the smallest thing here becomes the most complex one but as experience is worth to try...sometimes I still feel surprised with them, so technologically advanced and then it happen to have experience like his morning in a very old place with equipment that looked were made before I was born...you should have seen the sight test I've did.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Japanese life
Convivint amb un perill latent - Coexisting with a latent danger
Japó és el pais per excel.lència en el tema terratrèmols, una llarga història, molta experiència i malauradament uns quants desastres naturals els han convertit en el país pioner en aquest camp, de fet el mot Tsunami prové del japonès per exemple. Des de que vaig arribar aquí doncs, he après a conviure en una societat modulada a aquest fenòmen i on tothom sembla adaptat i acostumat a viure amb un perill aparentment inexistent però permanenment latent...de fet hi ha una opinió popular que diu que aquí les cases no duren gaire i potser és per això que sembla que arquitectònicament es pugui fer el que es vulgui en aquest pais. I és en aquest punt on els japonesos semblen realment avançats amb una política de construcció antisísmica implementada a tot arreu. Així doncs, el país actualment està o sembla estar preparadíssim, hi ha una agència estatal d'informació permanent, quan et dones d'alta t'entreguen uns fulletons d'informació sobre el tema completíssims, s'ofereixen cursos de formació gratuïts, hi ha simulacions cada dos per tres i a la feina només arribar em van donar un kit de supervivència per si mai...de moment però només hem tingut petits moviments de tan en tan que si us dic la veritat no els he ni notat, espero que continuarem així...
Japan is the country of earthquakes by excelence, a long history, lots of experience and unfortunately some natural disasters have made them of reference in this field, in fact the famous word Tsunami is Japanese. Since I came here, I've learnt how to live in a society modulated to this phenomemon and where everyone seems adapted and used to live with an apparently inexistent danger but permanently present...for instance there is a popular saying that here the buildings doesn't last very long and perhaps that's why it seems that they can do whatever they want in terms of architecture. Is precisely in this point where the country has an added value with a policy of antisieismic construction implemented everywhere, so the country nowadays is or seems to be very well prepared, there is a national agency for permanent information, when you arrive there are welcome brochures with all kinds of information in the subject, there are free training courses, earthquake simulations for the population are common and when I started at work I received a survival kit in case one day something happens...for the time being we have had only small movements that to tell you the truth I've hardly noticed...hopefully will be so in the future.
Earthquake simulation room at Tokyo University
Earthquake simulation room at Yoyogi park during the Brazilian festival
Japan is the country of earthquakes by excelence, a long history, lots of experience and unfortunately some natural disasters have made them of reference in this field, in fact the famous word Tsunami is Japanese. Since I came here, I've learnt how to live in a society modulated to this phenomemon and where everyone seems adapted and used to live with an apparently inexistent danger but permanently present...for instance there is a popular saying that here the buildings doesn't last very long and perhaps that's why it seems that they can do whatever they want in terms of architecture. Is precisely in this point where the country has an added value with a policy of antisieismic construction implemented everywhere, so the country nowadays is or seems to be very well prepared, there is a national agency for permanent information, when you arrive there are welcome brochures with all kinds of information in the subject, there are free training courses, earthquake simulations for the population are common and when I started at work I received a survival kit in case one day something happens...for the time being we have had only small movements that to tell you the truth I've hardly noticed...hopefully will be so in the future.
This is the earthquake survival kit I got at work |
Earthquake simulation room at Yoyogi park during the Brazilian festival
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Societat japonesa
El formiguer humà - A human ant's nest
Que a Tokyo hi ha molta gent és ben sabut, doncs la densitat de població a la ciutat és de les més altes del món, i si hi ha un lloc on es pot veure aquest efecte clarament plasmat aquest és la cruïlla de Shibuya, sobradament reconeguda en totes les guies turístiques i de visita obligada quan s'està per la ciutat. Just a davant de la sortida Hachiko de l'estació et trobes amb aquest espectacle humà a qualsevol hora del dia, on una cruïlla envoltada de grans edifics, llums i pantalles de neó, es transforma en un niu de formigues humanes...això sí un espectacle intermitent que no dura més d'un minut, o sigui que ja us ho podeu imaginar...el contrast és brutal, les primeres vegades que ho veus et venen ganes de quedar-te a observar tot el moviment i l'entorn durant una bona estona, de fet ja hi ha un punt d'observació ben conegut en una cafeteria Starbucks situada just a primera fila (al video és l'edifici que surt a davant) que sembla ben bé que estiguis al ¨palco¨ del millor teatre de la ciutat.
It's well known that in Tokyo there is lots of people, actually is one of the cities with the biggest population's density in the world, and if there is a place where one can clearly sees it this is the Shibuya crossroads, a highlight in all tourist guides and a must for anyone visiting the city. Placed just in front of the Hachiko exit of the station it is a real show at any time of the day, a crossroads surrounded by huge buildings, neon screens and lights that becomes like a human ant's nest...however intermittently with like an endless show that doesn't last more than a minute every time. The contrast is amazing, my first times there I could just spent my time looking at it and actually there is already a famous observation spot at the Starbucks located just in front of it (in the video it's in the building in front) that looks like the best seats of a theatre waiting for a show... a live show.
Kit Kat...have a break!
Avui us parlaré del Kit Kat i per què? doncs bàsicament perquè el fenònem Kit Kat al Japó és realment peculiar. Com segurament ja sabreu el Kit Kat és un mena de xocolatina de Nestlé que justament aquest any ha conmemorat 75 anys d'existència i que als japonesos els hi encanta! I no tan sols això sinó que a banda del tradicional Kit Kat (en japonès Kitto Katto) al Japó existeixen Kit Kat de sabors, sí sí i un sabors que pels occidentals no serien gaire convencionals (gust a salsa de soja per exemple). M'han comentat que es podien treure al mercat 50 varietat per any, o sigui una recepta pràcticament setmanal!! És cert que algunes varietats només es troben en regions particulars però imagineu-vos com és el fenònem que després la gent quan viatge les compra com a souvenir per tornar a casa. I per rematar-ho el dia dels enamorats és tradicional regalar una caixa Kit Kat amb un missatge personal a l'embalatge...gran campanya de marquèting! Us deixo alguns exemples...
Today I'm going to speak about Kit Kat, why? basically because the Kit Kat case in Japan is veeery particular. As you may already know Kit Kat is a confectionery wafer from Nestle that precisely this year commemorates 75 years and that Japanese love it (especially women)!! And not only this but besides the traditional Kit Kat (in Japanese Kitto Katto) in Japan they have many different flavoured Kit Kat...and a kind of flavours that for western people don't sound very conventional (they have one with soy sauce flavour for instance). I've been told that they could launch 50 varieties per year, meaning almost one new variety per week!! It's true however that some of the flavours are only distributed regionally but look how successful is that then when people travels around they buy them as a souvenir to go back home. And on top of that, for Valentine's day is traditional to give one box of Kit Kat as a present with a personal message in the package...certainly a great marketing campaign! Some examples below...
Green tea (the most popular) |
Cheese cake |
Soy sauce |
Banana and chili |
Sweet potato (I think...) |
Pear |
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Kit Kat with message box |
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