L'altre dia estava caminant per Okachimachi amb l'amic Zbinden i de cop ens vàrem trobar amb un supermercat només de productes de la pesca, hi déu ni do quin tros de supermercat tenien de tot, peix fresc, peix sec, peix adobat i el tema és que voltant voltant va i ens trobem amb una secció de carn de balena!!! horror....és fortíssim ho sento però no ho entenc com es pot comercialitzar tan tranquilament una espècie que està en perill d'extinció. De fet des de la organització mundial que regula aquest tema des de fa anys es va acordar prohibir la pesca de balena per fins comercials però el Japó ha continuat justificant que ells només pesquen balena per fins purament de recerca científica. Ara bé és evident que aquesta acaba al mercat comcercialitzant-se fàcilment i també cal reconèixer que si es fa és perquè hi ha una demanda...i això no ho entenc per molt que em diguin que hi ha una tradició històrica i tot plegat. En fi, que hi ha moltes grans coses que destaco positivament d'aquest país però aquesta no seria una d'elles.
The other day I was walking around Okachimachi with my friend Zbinden when we found a supermarket only for fish products, and what a great place, they had everything, fresh fish, dry fish, marinated fish,,,and then walking around we found a whole section of whale products!! horror...this isshocking, i'm sorry but cannot understand how come can you market so easily something that is considered to be in extinction danger. Actually from the International Whaling Comission (IWC) the whale hunting was banned long time ago for commercial purposes but here in Japan they justify themselves saying that they only do it for scientific research. Now, it is obvious that this meat ends up in the commercial cycle but if does so is because there is a demand behind...and this I cannot get it, for more than it is said there is a historical tradition behind and all this. This country has many things that I love but this wouldn't be one of them,
Passem a temes més fàcils de digerir...abans de marxar amagat entre caixes ens vàrem trobar Shiroko(白子), que seria esperma de peix...tal qual, resulta que això també s'ho mengen per aquí i el millor de tot és que diuen que està prou bo...vaja una altra delicatessen Japonesa que hauré de probar! :-)
Let's switch to easier topics to digest....before leaving, hidden between boxes we found Shiroko(白子), which is fish sperm...yes, here in Japan some people also eat this and what's more it seems it is quite good...so another Japanese delicatessen I should try! :-)
per fer-vos part d'aquesta nova aventura al Japó i les experiències que em vagi trobant pel camí...
Tijes de lotus per dinar - Lotus tubers for lunch!
Hi!! as you know one subject I love from Japan is food :-) Japanese cuisine with its variety and contrasts is amazing and if I usually write about my experiences in restaurants, going to supermarkets doesn't fall short...you always find new surprising and unknown products ...as an example today's post, I went to the supermarket this week and just popping in i found packed Lotus tubers!! yes sounds weird but there it was...Lotus flower is very common in Japan but I had no clue they also market the tubers!! Of course my curiosity made me buying them and although I had no idea how to cook them today I gave it a try. Called Hasuimo (はすいも), it's kind of light tuber with sponge texture, so its taste is very smooth and fresh...quite good frankly, so I thought that would combine well with a kind of fresh salad and well the result below...not bad ;)
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Dia de gràcies a la muntanya - Thanksgiving in the mountain
Ei! aquest dimecres va ser festa nacional al Japó, celebràvem el dia d'acció de gràcies (en principi establert com a dia del treball però és evident que avui dia -com és habitual- hi ha certa influencia del famós Thanksgiving dels EEUU amb presència notòria de galls d'indi :-)). Bé el tema és que vaig decidir anar a fer una excursió a la muntanya, concretament a Mitake-san (御岳山), juntament amb Takao-san (高尾山) les dues muntanyes més populars als voltants de Tokyo ja que tenen accés fàcil (telefèric) i interès espiritual amb temples al capdamunt. La idea doncs, era fer una ruta des de Mitake-san fins al poble Okutama (奥多摩), passant per Ōdake-san (大岳山) i Nokogiri-yama (鋸山), ara no hi comptava que al ser dia de festa el lloc estava a rebentar de Japonesos (sembla mentida que encara no ho hagi après!) i el que havia de ser un recorregut de menys d'una hora fins a dalt es va convertir en tres hores! Heu vist mai gent fent cua per pujar una muntanya ?? increible també l'edat mitjana que m'envoltava...estava ple de gent als seus 70, 80 anys equipats per passar el dia fent un picnic a la muntanya! total, que al final quan vaig arribar a dalt, tirar quatre fotos i dinar se'm van fer les 13h tocades...i llavors encara em quedava fer el recorregut fins a Okutama, però resulta que són 5 hores caminant i aquí a quarts de cinc ja és fosc ara! ¨I ara què faig? I si enlloc de caminar em poso a córrer?¨i dit i fet em vaig posar a córrer per les muntanyes rotllo Kilian Jornet i ho vaig ver, em vaig plantar a Okutama en dues hores i mitja, i era encara de dia! Això sí, rebentat i xop de suor de d'alt a baix...per sort però vaig trobar un Onsen (banys termals) que va ser el col.lofó per acabar el dia!!
Hey! this Wednesday we had bank holiday in Japan, it was the labour thanksgiving day (traditionally fixed to celebrate labour and production in Japan but with more and more influence from the american Thanksgiving...and an increasing presence of turkeys :-)). So, I decided to go for a hike in the mountains, to Mitake-san (御岳山),which together with Takao-san (高尾山) are the two most popular mountains nearby Tokyo, reasons of it are easy access (cable-car) and both have a shrine at the summit. The idea then, was to follow the route from Mitake-san to Okutama town (奥多摩), through Ōdake-san (大岳山) and Nokogiri-yama (鋸山), but I didn't think that being a holiday the place would be packed with Japanese (unbelievable that I haven't learnt this yet!!) and what was supposed to be a short way of less than an hour became to more than three! Have you ever seen people queuing to go up in a Mountain?? awesome as well the average age around me...lots of people in theirs 60,70 or even 80 ready to spend a day in the mountain! So when I got the summit, the time to take some pics and eat my lunch was already late 13h...and I still had to start the route till Okutama which then I learnt were 5 hours hiking while at 16.30hs is already dark!! ¨what do I do now?? and if instead walking I try to run?¨ and so I did, I started running through the forest, going up and down in these mountains and finally I got to Okutama in two hours and a half and still day light! Exhausted and wet from top down...luckily I found an Onsen which was the beeest way to end up the day!!
Hey! this Wednesday we had bank holiday in Japan, it was the labour thanksgiving day (traditionally fixed to celebrate labour and production in Japan but with more and more influence from the american Thanksgiving...and an increasing presence of turkeys :-)). So, I decided to go for a hike in the mountains, to Mitake-san (御岳山),which together with Takao-san (高尾山) are the two most popular mountains nearby Tokyo, reasons of it are easy access (cable-car) and both have a shrine at the summit. The idea then, was to follow the route from Mitake-san to Okutama town (奥多摩), through Ōdake-san (大岳山) and Nokogiri-yama (鋸山), but I didn't think that being a holiday the place would be packed with Japanese (unbelievable that I haven't learnt this yet!!) and what was supposed to be a short way of less than an hour became to more than three! Have you ever seen people queuing to go up in a Mountain?? awesome as well the average age around me...lots of people in theirs 60,70 or even 80 ready to spend a day in the mountain! So when I got the summit, the time to take some pics and eat my lunch was already late 13h...and I still had to start the route till Okutama which then I learnt were 5 hours hiking while at 16.30hs is already dark!! ¨what do I do now?? and if instead walking I try to run?¨ and so I did, I started running through the forest, going up and down in these mountains and finally I got to Okutama in two hours and a half and still day light! Exhausted and wet from top down...luckily I found an Onsen which was the beeest way to end up the day!!
Beaujolais Nouveau mania!!
la curiositat del dia...avui 17 de Novembre és el dia d'obertura del Beaujolais Nouveau!! Sí sí des del matí que tothom va excitat amb el tema..."has comprat Beaujolais ja??" i jo que abans d'arribar al Japó no en tenia ni idea de que era encara al.lucino...resulta que es tracta d'un vi jove de la regió de Beaujolais (!!) a França que des de fa molts anys es va decidir montar tota una història festiva al voltant de l'obertura de les primeres ampolles de l'any que normalment s'escau a mig novembre...i bé com no podia ser d'altra manera, els japonesos que són molt d'aquestes coses van ben acceptar aquesta tradició i amb orgull perquè de fet amb la diferència horària els japonesos són els primers que poden beure el Beaujolais de l'any (quan aquí obren la primera ampolla a Europa encara dormen...) i no vegis...els supermercats plens fins a dalt, avions carregats de Beaujolais arribant a Narita...he llegit que el Japó rep pràcticament la meitat de totes les exportacions mundials!!...i què voleu que us digui, pagar un mínim de 2000 iens (més de 20 eurus!!!) per un vi sense cos ni aroma...és el que anomeno una japonessada :-)
the curiosity of the day...today, Nov 17 is the opening day of Beaujolais Nouveau!! yeah since early morning everyone is excited with the subject..."have you already bought Beaujolais??¨and I that before Japan didn't have a clue about it, am still amazed...so the story is about a young wine from Beaujolais (!!) region in France that since many years ago decided to build a kind of festivity around the opening of the first bottles of wine of the year fixing an exact date for it, which usually is mid-november...and well as it couldn't be different, Japanese that are very much into these things accepted very well this "tradition" and with pride because actually due to the time difference, japanese are the first ones to drink Beaujolais (when they open the first bottle here in France are still sleeping...) so...supermarkets full with it, special aircrafts landing to Narita ...I've read that Japan takes almost half of the worldwide exportations of this wine!...and well to me, to pay at least 2000 yen (more than 20 euros!) for a light and tasteless wine...kind of things you only see in Japan ;)
supermercats carregats amb ampolles de beaujolais, anuncis i tot tipus d'ambientació.... |
supermarkets full of Beaujolais, advertisement and all type of decoration for the occasion... |
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Societat japonesa
El dia de la canalla - The kids' day
Dissabte passat una d'aquelles situacions peculiars...estava voltant en bici per Tokyo, a Akasaka, un districte més aviat administratiu i de grans edificis quan de sobte em trobo una nena amb vestit tradicional sortint d'un temple allà al mig...i clar jo que hi vaig entrar directament i un cop a dins estava ple de famílies amb canalla petita, tots vestits amb kimono (nenes) i hakana (nens)...resulta que estaven celebrant el festival Shichigosan (literalment ¨7-5-3¨), el festival dels nens que se celebra als voltants del 15-Nov. Les famílies de nens de 5 o 7 anys i nenes de 3 o 7 anys, van al temple local per demanar que tinguin un futur sa i segur. Aquestes edats són considerades molt importants en la cultura japonesa i encara avui dia és una tradició molt arrelada...i per un estranger ignorant com jo un espectacle molt divertit i interessant...els nens vestits de forma exquisida i els pares i avis tirant-se fotos ben orgullosos i rebossant felicitat...un gran descobriment!
Last saturday I was in one of this particular situations...hanging around Tokyo by bike, in Akasaka, an administrative district with mostly skyscrapers, suddenly I saw a girl dressed with traditional clothing going out from a shrine...and of course I headed there immediately and once inside it was packed with families with children, all dressed with kimono (girls) and hakana (boys)...it turned out they were celebrating the Shichigosan festival (translated as "7-5-3"), the festival of children which is held around Nov 15 every year. Families with five-year and seven-year old boys and three-year and seven-year old girls, go to the local shrine to pray for a healthy and safe future of the kids. Apparently these ages are very important in the japanese culture and still nowadays this is a very popular tradition...and for an ignorant foreigner as me a great sight with priceless moments...the kids dressed perfectly and their parents and grandparents taking pictures with pride and joy...a very nice discovery!
Last saturday I was in one of this particular situations...hanging around Tokyo by bike, in Akasaka, an administrative district with mostly skyscrapers, suddenly I saw a girl dressed with traditional clothing going out from a shrine...and of course I headed there immediately and once inside it was packed with families with children, all dressed with kimono (girls) and hakana (boys)...it turned out they were celebrating the Shichigosan festival (translated as "7-5-3"), the festival of children which is held around Nov 15 every year. Families with five-year and seven-year old boys and three-year and seven-year old girls, go to the local shrine to pray for a healthy and safe future of the kids. Apparently these ages are very important in the japanese culture and still nowadays this is a very popular tradition...and for an ignorant foreigner as me a great sight with priceless moments...the kids dressed perfectly and their parents and grandparents taking pictures with pride and joy...a very nice discovery!
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Cultura japonesa,
Lavabos d'última generació? - High-tech toilets?
Poc a poc vaig coneixent aquest país i com més va, més m'adono que és un país de dues cares en molts els aspectes, sense anar més lluny en el tema tecnològic, aquí alguns exemples...si fa un temps us parlava dels famosos lavabos amb comandament i tota la pesca....no és gaire difícil trobar-te exemples completament oposats, aquí doncs un parell de vídeos, el primer en el seu conjunt el millor que he vist per aquí i el segon bé...t'hi has de trobar :-)
Little by little I´m knowing more about this country and with time I realize it has a double side in many aspects, as a matter of fact the technology, here some examples...if sometime ago I posted about the famous high-tech toilets...it's not difficult to find opposite examples, here a couple of videos, the first one is globally the best toilet I've seen so far and the second...well you have to be there ;-)
Little by little I´m knowing more about this country and with time I realize it has a double side in many aspects, as a matter of fact the technology, here some examples...if sometime ago I posted about the famous high-tech toilets...it's not difficult to find opposite examples, here a couple of videos, the first one is globally the best toilet I've seen so far and the second...well you have to be there ;-)
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Japanese life,
Nit de terror, morts i...peix! - Night of horror, deaths and...fish!
Cap de setmana de Halloween a Tokyo! sí....visc al Japó però aquí han ben acceptat aquesta americanada i a uns nivells que espanten (mai millor dit). Jo que sóc molt de castanyada disfressat de dalt a baix i fent el ridícul per aquesta ciutat en forma de Mickey Mouse post-morten. I bé que us puc dir, una bona nit de bogeria nipona que ja queda pel record i és que una cosa està clara...aquesta gent saben com passar-s'ho bé :-)!
Abans però, en una nit tan terrorífica vàrem pensar que era una bona ocasió per probar una delicatessen mortal...estic parlant ni més ni menys que el conegut peix Fugu o peix Globus, un peix molt popular d'aquí al Japó que conté un verí que en cas d'ingerir-lo t'hi quedes en qüestió de minuts, se't paralitza tota la muscultura i bé ja us imagineu....evidentment no tothom pot preparar aquesta menja, els restaurants estan regulats estríctament i els cuiners necessiten una acreditació com que saben manipular correctament el peix, només faltaria... doncs bé no tan sols el vaig probar sinó que ens vem fotre un menú degustació amb fugu de totes formes, sashimi (cru), karage (fregit), nabe (brou), amanida,...boníssim!!. Al final però val a dir que pensava que seria una experiència més béstia, amb l'adrenalina a rebentar, del què va ser...i tot i ser la nit dels morts vàrem sortir-ne ben vius!
Weekend of Halloween in Tokyo!! yes...living in Japan but it seems that here they have easily accepted this american tradition and at scaring levels (more than ever). Me, that I'm not used and fond of it, there I was with a costume of Mickey Mouse post-morten making fool of myself. And well I must say it was a crazy japanese night confirming that this people know how to have fun :-)
However before this, in such a special night we thought it was a good occasion to try a lethal delicatessen...am talking about the well-known Blowfish or Fugu fish, a popular poison fish of Japan that in case is not well prepared one can die in few minutes, total paralysis of your muscles and well that´s all...obviously for such a dangerous product not everyone can do it, the restaurants are strictly regulated and the cooks required a specific accreditation to work with this fish...so we not only ate it but we took a complete menu including all kinds of Fugu, sashimi (raw), karage (fried), nabe (stock), in salad...mmm excellent!!! Nonetheless at the end I must say I thought it would be a heavier experience with a rush of adrenaline, from what it was...but we really enjoyed it and regardless of the night of the deaths we finished alive ;-)!

Abans però, en una nit tan terrorífica vàrem pensar que era una bona ocasió per probar una delicatessen mortal...estic parlant ni més ni menys que el conegut peix Fugu o peix Globus, un peix molt popular d'aquí al Japó que conté un verí que en cas d'ingerir-lo t'hi quedes en qüestió de minuts, se't paralitza tota la muscultura i bé ja us imagineu....evidentment no tothom pot preparar aquesta menja, els restaurants estan regulats estríctament i els cuiners necessiten una acreditació com que saben manipular correctament el peix, només faltaria... doncs bé no tan sols el vaig probar sinó que ens vem fotre un menú degustació amb fugu de totes formes, sashimi (cru), karage (fregit), nabe (brou), amanida,...boníssim!!. Al final però val a dir que pensava que seria una experiència més béstia, amb l'adrenalina a rebentar, del què va ser...i tot i ser la nit dels morts vàrem sortir-ne ben vius!
Weekend of Halloween in Tokyo!! yes...living in Japan but it seems that here they have easily accepted this american tradition and at scaring levels (more than ever). Me, that I'm not used and fond of it, there I was with a costume of Mickey Mouse post-morten making fool of myself. And well I must say it was a crazy japanese night confirming that this people know how to have fun :-)
However before this, in such a special night we thought it was a good occasion to try a lethal delicatessen...am talking about the well-known Blowfish or Fugu fish, a popular poison fish of Japan that in case is not well prepared one can die in few minutes, total paralysis of your muscles and well that´s all...obviously for such a dangerous product not everyone can do it, the restaurants are strictly regulated and the cooks required a specific accreditation to work with this fish...so we not only ate it but we took a complete menu including all kinds of Fugu, sashimi (raw), karage (fried), nabe (stock), in salad...mmm excellent!!! Nonetheless at the end I must say I thought it would be a heavier experience with a rush of adrenaline, from what it was...but we really enjoyed it and regardless of the night of the deaths we finished alive ;-)!
Amanida de pell de fugu i sashimi / Fugu skin salad and Sashimi
Fugu nabe (cuit en una mena de brou...mireu a sota) / Fugu nabe (cooked in a kind of stock...see below) |
ai ai ai...ha arribat el moment!! |
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